Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bloom's Taxonomy


4) What was the problem with letting Mrs. Dalton hearing Mary and finding out Bigger was there?

Bigger would loose his job, for not taking Mary to the place she was supposed to be. Also he could be arrested on rape or buglary charges for being in her room while she was drunk. 

Bloom's Taxonomy


3) What questions would you ask of Bigger? 

I would ask Bigger why did he put her body in the furnis instead of putting her behind a bar. She was already drunk, so it looks like she was killed there. 

Bloom's Taxonomy

What do you think could of happened if Mrs. Dalton was not blind? 

If Mrs. Dalton was not blind, Bigger could have explained his self. Or he could have still been arrested  or fired because it looked like she was a victim of rape.

Bloom's Taxonomy


    1)What happened after Bigger fought Gus? 

After  Bigger and Gus fought at Doc's store, Bigger walked to an alley and began to cry briefly.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bloom's Taxonomy

What is your position on the murder? How can you defend your position?

My position on the murder is that I am undecided. I am stuck between if he should or shouldn't be punished. On the one hand he should be punished because accident or not, justice needs to be served. Maybe his sentence could be reduced but their definitely should be punishment. Than on the other hand I'm thinking it was an accident and it was as much as Mary's fault as it was Bigger's for for not taking her to the court place. Bigger could have thought of a better way to not get both of them caught and than Mary should've slowed down on the drinks. My mind goes back and forth forever and this is why I'm undecided.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Bloom's Taxonomy


What would happen if Bigger was a white man and had did this to Mary Dalton?

Many things would probably be different, especially in this time period. One thing that would be different is the media probably would be more quite about it, or they will jump on this opportunity to expose the rich. The reason why I think they would be "hush, hush" about the situation is because white people in that time period would be embarrassed by him. The white people would be ashamed of someone like that, because this would not build their race up. But many things might stay the same. This would be possible because they are a rich family. Usually they get the most publicity. The media go for the rich people because they want to show their vulnerability, they want to show that their just like everyone else. Richer people also have the money to keep the media and investigation going. This is why I think would happen if Bigger was white.